原创Great News from Forbes China!
2023-06-15 11:07:49 互联网

On June 2nd, 2023, Forbes China releasedthe ranking result of the 2023 Chinese international school. This year, Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK) isranked33rd in China, 2nd in Jiangsu Province, and 1st in Kunshanamong the top 100 international schools in the nation.


Forbes concluded their results through the five core elements including the school’s financial capabilities, students’ academic results, teaching quality, international certification, and faculties’ resources.



A Welcoming, Caring and Learning

School Community


Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK) is located at No.555 Chuanshi Road, near Shanghai, Duke Kunshan University and Kunshan High School, with convenient transportation.


Founded in 2012, Canadian International School Kunshan(CISK) is the only international school in Kunshan officially approved by the Jiangsu Provincial Education Department. CISK followsthe philosophy of the IB"s lifelong education. CISK believes that everyone has great abilities which can only be fully revealed through education.While helping each student to maximize their potential,CISK is committed to cultivating world citizens who will thrive in tomorrow"s multicultural and dynamic environment.They will be able to tackle challenges with perseverance, self-confidence, and enthusiasm in a diverse and rapidly developing international community.


Our People


Currently, we have nearly 40 expats from more than 16 countries and regions, including many from the U.S., the U.K., Canada, South Africa and China.


Utilising the teaching model of small class teaching, classrooms are lively and open, student-centered, and students" participation and interaction are emphasized. Each class will have no more than 22students, with a foreign teacher and a Chinese teacher jointly managing the class.

CISK has an elite group of teachers both domestic and foreign.The expat teacher to domestic teacher ratio is 1:1, and they are all licensed with many years of experience. The vast majority of our teachers come from the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Europe.



Pastoral care is also an indispensable part of the teaching process. In CISK, our members come from more than 30 countries with different races, cultures and customs, but every student and teacher is valued and recognized here. CISK"s teaching team has created a multicultural growth environment for students based on cross-cultural understanding, a college tutor system, a psychological counselling center, and celebrating international festivals.


Academic Achievements


Since 2018, there have been five graduating cohorts who have gone on to study at some of the world"s finest universities. 100%of our current graduating class have received university offers. This year, we are proud to announce that our sixth graduating class has received numerous offers from world-renowned institutions.


100%of ourgraduating class have received university offers since thefoundation of our school.


77%of the Class of 2023 have received offers from the Top 100 universities worldwide (based on the 2023 QS Ranking Scale)


Admission of our school´s

graduatesto universities


We can proudly say that the Canadian International School Kunshan is one of the top international schools in China. However, excellent education is not only to achieve excellent results but also to cultivate students" thirst for knowledge and lifelong enthusiasm for learning.Our goal is to send outstanding young people to all parts of the world and cultivate them to have the skills and independence required for their survival and development in universities and in the future.




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